:next generation
Supporting young people during the challenges of life.
We are here for young people aged 13 to 25.
Join our mailing list and we'll keep you up to date.
​​​​We are a team of professionally trained and qualified counsellors, mentors and tutors who love to stand alongside and strengthen young people as they journey adolescence and onwards into young adulthood (our vision). We have a particular empathy for young people, and their families, who have experienced challenging life stories, traumas and for those with crushed confidence, anxiety, low self-worth and a sense of being alone, isolated, misunderstood or unseen. We are a team with a Christian ethos and a deeply held belief that every person has:
Value - you have significant worth.
Identity - you are wanted, acceptable and appreciated.
Purpose - you have unique talents and important purposes.
V I P - Value, Identity, Purpose.
We love to draw alongside and support young people and families of all faiths and none.
connect with us

We are based in Ballymena, Northern Ireland however we are open to any young person able to travel. There are also zoom options for support across Ireland and the UK. Mentoring can be organised to take place province wide.